The dozen students who have successfully completed their work.
March 5, 2024
Here are fifteen more students who have completed the HW1 beautifully! 🥳
Anirudh Bharadwaj # GitHub | Repo | Site | Last Push: 2024-02-24T06:05:54Z
Maya Chari # GitHub | Repo | Site | Last Push: 2024-03-06T01:47:19Z
Alec Dempsey # GitHub | Repo | Site | Last Push: 2024-02-27T21:25:14Z
John Guirguis # GitHub | Repo | Site | Last Push: 2024-02-28T21:58:31Z
Rohan Kamat # GitHub | Repo | Site | Last Push: 2024-02-28T03:11:51Z
How to provide feedback and contribute to GitHub's documentation.
February 21, 2024
Understanding Quality Assurance Metrics # Measurements and metrics are delicate, as they can be influenced by Goodhart’s law, which states that when a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure. When it comes to Quality Assurance (QA), it is crucial to pick the right metrics.
GitHub Docs: A Case Study on Doing Metrics Right # In the case of documentation, some metrics to measure quality, like the number of pages or the frequency of changes can be misleading or lead to adverse incentives.
The dozen students who have successfully completed their work.
February 21, 2024
Although a large portion of the class is still troubleshooting website deployment issues, or completing the first homework, several students have already completed their mock landing pages and deployed them! Here are the first dozen students to have completed their work. Go take a look at their fantastic work! 🥳
Franci Branda-Chen # GitHub | Repo | Site | Last Push: 2024-02-20T21:48:39Z
Jake Brooks # GitHub | Repo | Site | Last Push: 2024-02-20T18:45:03Z
An app to help find your way back home safely and quickly
February 10, 2024
Growing up as a girl in India, I was often told not to travel alone at night. Being an outgoing and independent person, this often led to fights with my parents. How do I convince them that I’m responsible enough to not go through the shady parts of town? In a society where safety concerns often dictate the choices we make, “Safe and Soon” emerged as a beacon of reassurance for people like me, seeking a secure journey back home.